June 14, 2007

More on 300 and Apocalypto

See the comments section of 300, Like Apocalypto for more debate on these movies.

Pictured below...a typical Persian?


  1. Writerfella here --
    In fact, the poster depicts a berserker who was kept captive by the Persians for use against the Greeks. It never is said but the man in all likelihood was a slave from another people entirely...
    All Best
    Russ Bates

  2. Writerfella here --
    Now comes great news!! In today's Sunday supplements it is reported that, since 300 has made $445,736,967 box office worldwide, the studio wants a couple of sequels, Frank Miller says he will write them, and Zack Snyder has said he will adapt and direct them. They want to get another Frank Miller graphic novel, WATCHMEN, made into a movie first, and so they're looking ahead to 2010...
    All Best
    Russ Bates

  3. If the berserker fought for the Persians, he probably wasn't a slave. But whatever he was, he was part of the Persian culture.

    Alan Moore wrote WATCHMEN, not Frank Miller. Read about it here:


    Watchmen is a 2008 film adaptation of Alan Moore's twelve-issue Hugo Award-winning comic book limited series Watchmen. The adaptation is directed by Zack Snyder who helmed 300. The film has been in development hell since the publication of the novel, shuffling from studios, directors and screenwriters before settling at Warner Bros. Pictures, who hired Snyder to direct. Gerard Butler, who had worked with Snyder in 300, will be part of the cast, and the film is scheduled to shoot in 2007.


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