June 25, 2007

Sacred site or casino?

Sacred site focus of tribal tug of war

Location of casino causes Quechan riftTwo days before the groundbreaking, the tribe and local law enforcement officers forcibly removed a small group of tribal members holding a religious ceremony on the site in protest of the project.

The protesters, including Priscilla Prettybird, contend the site is part of a larger prehistoric ceremonial and gathering area used by at least five tribes, which cremated their ancestors there.

The casino site also is near a mountain known as Pilot Knob, a landmark that tribal officials singled out during the gold mine fight as hallowed ground to the Quechan and other tribes that once inhabited the desert region.


  1. Anonymous9:42 PM

    It's best to use cultures of your own tribe. Xam Kwec'Kam, Qichun, Yuman, These are all names used that pre-date "QUECHAN". Kokomat, taught us how to care for our dead but none ever used; sweatlodge, or sundance. Further more no woman is ever to lead a ceremony. five tribal members make-up this group leaving the other 3,995 of us to figure out our future economic fate. Yatish miss," the end of the hair" If members like this women don't take out our tribe, blood quantum will, only 1,000 of 4,000 members live on the rez due to economic strife. With no strongholds on our culture we can no longer stay a tribe but, if we do not establish sacred sites by having reburial ceremony's at a selected locations. Everything points to culture implosion. As a tribal member of the Ft. Yuma Indian Reservation, "Quechan Tribe" I state that these words are of these individuals only! If you research our tribe you will find that there are five tribes that came from "?avi.kwame" creation mountain. Quechan, Mojave, Apache, Pima, and the Papago. Also known as New Berry Mountain, located north of Needles,California.


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