August 15, 2007

From spec scripts to finished films

Aspiring filmmakers produce works at summer workshopOn July 27, an audience of mostly American Indian moviegoers gathered in the auditorium at the Institute of American Indian Arts to screen a number of short films written, directed and created by young Native filmmakers as part of the fourth annual Summer Television and Film Workshop. Eight short films were screened on stories whose genres ranged from a Western to a futuristic sci-fi world. Comedies and dramas, as well as period pieces, were created by this year's filmmakers.

"I was really impressed with the talent and the stories created this summer," said Ish Antar, Gros Ventre and an audience member, former student and actor in one of the evening's shorts.

IAIA, in collaboration with Disney-ABC Television Group Talent Development Programs and the Walt Disney Studio, presented the six-week workshop.

The 2007 summer workshop program offered two tracks: the filmmaking/production track, which focused on directing, screenwriting, production and acting; and the writer's track, a new addition to this year's program, in which the students focused on writing television spec scripts.

1 comment:

  1. Writerfella here --
    This sounds hopeful. First of all, though writerfella had known of the film program at the Arts Institute, he did not know it was becoming almost all-pervasive. They must have a library of existing films that the students watch while they are learning how to hone their craft. writerfella believes that library should contain The Animated STAR TREK DVD set so that the students could benefit from watching writerfella's ST episode and seeing how that was done. The local Indian Education office has a copy of that video, the library of Riverside Indian School (located here in Anadarko) has a copy of the video, and so does that Municipal Library here in Anadarko. The tax write-off totally was secondary to writerfella donating the DVDs. Now it seems, that program at the Arts Institute only can benefit from writerfella's largesse...
    All Best
    Russ Bates


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