August 01, 2007

Gwitchin story on POV

Arctic SonIn "Arctic Son," the clash of tradition and modernity puts a Native father and son at odds in the village of Old Crow, 80 miles above the Arctic Circle. Stanley, Jr., raised in Seattle, is drifting deeper into drinking and partying. Stanley, Sr., a remote, philosophical figure to his son, keeps the ways of his Gwitchin ancestors alive by hunting, fishing and living by his wits in the harsh arctic environment. After a lifetime apart, the two are reunited in the raw, quiet beauty of the Canadian Yukon in a story that captures the dialogue between a father and son from vastly different worlds.

"Arctic Son is unique, heartfelt, optimistic, personal and very entertaining…. The soul of this film is reflective of a good life."

-–Chris Eyre, director, Smoke Signals

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