August 10, 2007

Merit badge for Native religion

Navajo Boy Scouts work to establish Native emblemA groundbreaking process is occurring on the Navajo Nation with effects that will reach youth throughout the continent for centuries to come. Nine-year-old Kinlichiinii Ashkii John of the Red House Clan, born for the Salt Clan, his two sisters and parents are working to establish the first Boy Scouts of America Native American Religious Emblem.

Since its official genesis in 1910, the Boy Scouts of American (BSA) has adopted the religious symbols of 35 religious groups to encourage members to grow stronger in their faith. These religions vary in diversity and include Baptist, Roman Catholic, Hindu, African Methodist Episcopal Church, Baha'i, and Meher Baba (to name just a few). However, nothing to signify a Native American religion has ever been included.

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