October 24, 2007

"Medicine woman" teaches shamanic classes

Shaman guides students in questVictorino began teaching the Wilderness Women Within class in Spring 2006 and was well received.

Since the spring of last year, she has taught one other class—Shamanism and Animal Medicine, which is an introduction to the spiritual and healing practices of shamanism and soul retrieval. The awareness of animals and their ability to assist people in their everyday struggles is also addressed.

She offers a second class to her Wilderness Women Within that is not offered through the college. Known as the Vision Quest, this course involves several meetings, as well as course work designed to help students get ready for the nine day excursion to the Mojave Desert. The preparation for the trip is nearly a year long, and safety is Victorino's main concern, so she requires every person to be CPR- and first aid-certified before they leave for the journey.
Comment:  All sorts of questions arise here. Which culture's "shamanism" is she teaching? Which culture's vision quest? Which tribe(s) taught her and gave her permission to use their sacred knowledge? Or are these just watered-down versions of Native belief devoid of tribal specifics?

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