October 22, 2007

Only traditional is authentic?

Native fiction doesn't exist because Indians didn't write novels


  1. Writerfella here --
    Boy, oh boy, is writerfella ever glad that David Treuer is writing his White Man stories because that's just about all who ever will read them. And he's off writerfella's Xmas card list, to boot...
    All Best
    Russ Bates

  2. Writerfella here --
    POSTSCRIPTUM -- Oh, look! David Treuer just went transparent! He's fading fast! Oh, my! WHAT could be causing his existence to fail so quickly?
    Oh, of course, he as a Native article writer DOESN'T EXIST BECAUSE NATIVES DIDN'T WRITE ARTICLES!!!
    Alas, there is being right and then again there REALLY IS being right!
    All Best
    Russ Bates


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