October 27, 2007

Sioux say no to settlement

Tribes:  No deal to UND, NCAA pactDakota and Lakota tribal leaders spurned a settlement announced Friday that would allow the University of North Dakota time to seek approval to keep using the controversial “Fighting Sioux” nickname and logo.

“I think they’re going to try to buy use of the name,” said Jesse Taken Alive, a Standing Rock tribal council member. “They’ve already tried to do that here at Standing Rock.”
Tribal chairman expects pressure from lawsuit settlement...Ron His Horse Is Thunder chairs the Standing Rock Sioux tribe.

He says UND should use the three years to prepare for a new nickname. He says it will be divisive to try to persuade tribal members to allow the Fighting Sioux name.

United Tribes Technical College President David Gipp says the settlement shows a lack of respect for the Standing Rock and Spirit Lake Sioux tribes. Hep says the tribes have already made it plain they don't want the name to continue.

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