October 25, 2007

Who was on first first?

Author says Sockalexis first Indian in MLBLouis Sockalexis, the Penobscot Indian who played for the Cleveland Indians, should have his title restored as first American Indian to play in the major leagues, according to the author of a book about Sockalexis.

Sockalexis was stripped of the title in 1963 when a National Baseball Hall of Fame historian pronounced a Sioux Indian named James Madison Toy to be the first.

But author Ed Rice said Thursday that he obtained Toy’s death certificate in Pennsylvania, and it lists his race as “white.”

“It’s time for a sorrowful 43-year-old hoax to come to an end. Locally, regionally and nationally, it is time to restore the title ‘First American Indian’ to the man who earned it—Louis Sockalexis,” Rice said.
Comment:  I wouldn't necessarily trust the racial designation on an old birth certificate.


  1. Writerfella here --
    Why the hell not, Rob? We trust what YOUR old birth certificate says. And THEN you prove it day after day with your superiority complex...
    All Best
    Russ Bates

  2. You think I'm pretending to be white when I'm really an Indian? Even for you, that's a stupid assertion.

    I could post a copy of my birth certificate if anyone's interested. That's more than you're willing to do with your "evidence" regarding the Anasazi, the Maya, et al.

    You prove you're inferior day after day when you can't cite a URL, search Google, or even crack a dictionary. Which is why I keep winning our debates.

  3. Writerfella here --
    Not the case at all, Rob. You by your very verbiage, by your very attitudes, by your very opinions, by your very mien, CANNOT EVER BE MISTAKEN FOR ANYTHING BUT CAUCASIAN, no matter what your birth certificate might say. Any stupid assertions, by their very character, also are yours alone. That is 'evidence' primero! Why? Because NO ONE EVER CAN ACHIEVE EITHER SUPERIORITY OR INFERIORITY BY THE JUDGMENT OF OTHERS, ESPECIALLY WHEN IT NEVER WAS ASKED AFTER IN THE FIRST PLACE. You do not so much 'win,' Rob, as self-declare yourself to win when there never was a contest from the first instance. Any competition arose from your own territoriality and from nowhere else. That means, you lost before you ever set one finger to keyboard...
    All Best
    Russ Bates

  4. Do you "trust" I'm white? Or do I prove I'm white with my writing style? Although you apparently didn't realize it, you just contradicted yourself. Oops.

    So all whites try to win arguments and no Indians do? That must come as a surprise to all the Indian lawyers out there. Not only is your latest assertion stupid, it's racist to boot. Oooops.

    The stupid assertions about my income, the Maya and the "Anasazi," the Seminole membership policy, Star Trek 10 vs. Star Trek 11, the federal recognition process, the definition of who's an Indian, the point of criticism, the words you don't know, your spelling and punctuation mistakes, etc., etc., are yours alone. If you'd like to revisit and re-lose any of these arguments, just let me know.

    It's hysterical that you claim not to be trying to win arguments. How many times have you said you'll send me a cookie if I can prove you wrong? A dozen? Two dozen? Not only do you want to win, you're a hypocrite for denying it.

    Winning a debate is in the eye of the beholder, obviously. But I'm willing to bet that the majority would deem me the winner in any of our debates. If you disagree, put your money where your mouth is. Put up or shut up.

    Since you run away whenever I meet your "cookie" challenges, I win most of our debates by default. A judgment isn't necessary when one side forfeits. The presence of an argument always trumps the absence of an argument.

    Repeat:  You prove you're inferior day after day when you can't cite a URL, search Google, or even crack a dictionary. I can do these things; you can't. Not that you've demonstrated in this blog, anyway.

    In other words, I back up my assertions with facts and evidence. You don't. Readers can decide for themselves whose approach is superior.

  5. Writerfella here --
    No, Rob, you 'win' because you declare yourself the 'winner.' Notice that writerfella never has acceded to such a condition and writerfell NEVER will so accede. Talk about typing to a vacuum! And just when is it that you will, like James Cameron, stand up and shout that you are 'the king of the world?' Like the cartoon said, "That's no king! That's Monty!'
    All Best
    Russ Bates

  6. I guess you have nothing to say about your racist assertion that all whites are one way and all Indians another. So noted.

    Repeat: Since you run away whenever I meet your "cookie" challenges, I win most of our debates by default. A judgment isn't necessary when one side forfeits. The presence of an argument always trumps the absence of an argument.

    You may not "accede" to my winning, but you flatly declared me the loser here: "Once again, Rob, you lose," wrote Russell Bates. Thus you're a hypocrite as well as a liar, an intellectual inferior, and a frequent debate loser.


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