December 26, 2007

Tulalip television

Tulalip TV, NWIN go online

Webcasts could become 'voice of empowerment' for indigenous communitiesGetting television programs from and about Indian country is now as easy as opening a browser window and clicking a mouse button.

KANU-TV, Channel 99 on the Tulalip Reservation, is now video-streaming television programs from throughout Indian country at and hopes to include more indigenous coverage from throughout the world.

The online programming not only makes Tulalip television programming accessible to tribal members not living on the reservation, it also makes Indian country programming available to a worldwide audience.

Anyone with a computer and Internet access can watch programs produced by the Tulalip Tribes Communications Department: "Discover Tulalip," "Tulalip Heritage Hawks Basketball," "Lushootseed Language Video Series," "Tulalip History Series" and Tulalip General Manager Shelly Lacy's weekly report.
Comment:  Somebody should check the terminology of all the Native "television" networks we're seeing. As far as I'm concerned, if it doesn't appear on the TV set in your living room, it isn't television.

You can call streaming video on the Internet "television," but what makes it television and not streaming video? Is any live video on the Net "television" if someone calls it television?

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