April 21, 2008

Off to San Diego

I'll be attending the National Indian Gaming Association's annual convention in San Diego Monday through Wednesday. No doubt I'll be hobnobbing with the stars--e.g., Adam Beach, Hulk Hogan, the Sopranos cast--again. Stay tuned for my NIGA reports and pictures.

Victor Rocha and I are staying at the San Diego Marriott Hotel & Marina next to the convention center. We walked over to pick up our badges and met a few semi-celebrities on the way: comedian Charlie Hill and musician Keith Secola, and Rosebud Sioux Tribe President Charlie Colombe. Victor knows them but I don't, although I've met and interviewed Charlie Hill before. Anyway, I shook hands with them all.

We had dinner at Kemo Sabe, a Thai restaurant combining Asian and Southwestern food. The restaurant's name was ironic considering that Cadillac Jack, a slot-machine manufacturer, was hosting us and a group of Southern California Indians. Also ironic was that the specially printed menu included an appetizer made of "squaw bread." The Cadillac Jack rep said he'd fix the menu by tomorrow.

Adam Beach and his Seminole girlfriend Summer Tiger, who's three months pregnant, joined us for dinner. Afterward we gave Adam and Summer a ride to their hotel. We'll probably see more of them tomorrow.


  1. Wait, wait, wait. Hulk Hogan is NDN? I bet he's Cherokee! ;)

  2. No. Hogan is another white guy who wants to help Indians. I reported on him in Wrestler Teams with Indians.

  3. Anonymous10:31 AM

    3 months pregnant girlfriend? Wow, he doesn't waste any time. Didn't he just split from his 2nd wife in November? Hmmm...

  4. Anonymous11:30 PM

    He's just another Indian Man!! LOL


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