August 05, 2008

Alcatraz just the start?

Proposal for three Native museums in San Francisco to be considered"The Alcatraz Island Intertribal Living Museum would have a broad cultural brush stroke; the California Indian facility would have two sites: one located in Crissy Field, dedicated to the South Bay Costanoan/Ohlone people, and the second site at Fort Baker, dedicated to the North Bay Coastal Miwok people."

According to Rivera, "These three Living Indian Museums would meet many of the needs of the California Indian people. Each Living Indian Museum [Alcatraz, Crissy Field and Fort Baker] would have slightly different goals, but with the same mission--celebrate and understand the living American Indian cultures."
Comment:  It's nice to think big, but not if it gets in the way of accomplishing something. I'd say Rivera would be lucky to get one museum, not to mention three.

For more on the subject, see Living Museum on Alcatraz.

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