August 01, 2008

Black Ghost at Comic-Con 2008

I forgot to mention one curious note I saw at this year's Comic-Con. It was a flyer taped to an empty table announcing something called "Black Ghost and Coyote the Trickster." I gather it's a Western comic book similar to the Lone Ranger and Tonto and any number of variants. I searched the Net but couldn't find anything about it.

Not that I'm impressed with the concept, mind you. I'm sure there have been several cowboy heroes with the words "black" or "ghost" in their names. I think there was a Night Phantom also--same idea. And the COYOTE comic book already gave us a human coyote trickster, so this Indian sidekick seems unoriginal and uninspiring.

Oh, well. For more on the subject, see Thoughts on the San Diego Comic-Con 2000+.

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