August 01, 2008

Boxing focuses kids' energy

Pueblo's young fighters get taste of victoryThe Isleta Boxing Club first started to hold training sessions in the fall of 2007, and many members of the youth club have already faced opponents. At least a few Isleta boxers have already won at least one bout, giving them a taste of what it feels like to train hard and to experience positive results.

"This is a really good outlet," said Isleta police officer Tim Zuni, who works with Anthony Abeita in training the young boxers in the club. "It helps kids deal with stress, and it teaches kids to be self-starters."

The boxers range in age from gradeschoolers to those in their late teens, and the court system has had a large role in introducing youth to the program. Abeita works with Isleta's tribal court, so he's able to refer young people to the boxing program.
Comment:  Add this to the ten thousand other examples of Indians taking responsibility and helping themselves rather than sitting around complaining or waiting for a handout.

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