August 10, 2008

Making progress on SUPER INDIAN

A MySpace blog posting from super-diva Arigon Starr:

Super Indian Rocks!Hey Everyone!

Sorry for being so out-of-the-loop the past few months. It's been a crazy whirlwind of activity--including a bunch of out-of-town gigs, new projects, working out, getting sick, getting well and just traveling a whole heck of a lot. The other project that has taken precedence is my SUPER INDIAN graphic novel, which is still very much in the drawing/inking/coloring stage. I'm doing all the work myself, so it's slow going. I'm going to put up one of the recent images in my photo area so y'all can take a look.

The Graphic Novel will loosely follow the 10 episode radio comedy series. I've been having a great time looking at other people's art and finding a way to tell the story of Hubert Logan and his oddly gained super powers. Yes, he ate tainted commodity cheese and gained super powers. Could happen to anyone on the Rez or eating commods. AAAAY!

Hope everyone out there is happy, well and has some extra change in their pocket. More soon.....really......I promise!
Comment:  For more on the subject, see Comic Books Featuring Indians.

1 comment:

  1. Writerfella here --
    SOMEBODY finally said it: A-A-A-A-y! Now, when will someone say 'ennit!' or 'mah-zames?'
    All Best
    Russ Bates


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