August 09, 2008

Music video about burial grounds

Michael Bucher films his latest music video2007 Native American Music Awards nominee Michael Bucher films his latest music video, DON’T FORGET ABOUT ME at the Black Hills Wild Horse Sanctuary, Hot Springs, South Dakota.

“The music video deals with the protection of Native burial grounds, Native grave sites and sacred sites. I try to tell people you wouldn’t want your grandmother’s grave dug up…nor do American Indian people. And, yet, it happens every day in Indian Country” says Michael Bucher.

Michael Bucher is a Cherokee singer-songwriter who was taught from the beginning of his memory the stories, language and legends of his people. His songs are intended to teach, heal and bring awareness to everyone who hears them. He sings about topics that are important to him and others in Indian Country. From the desecration of sacred sites, to Cherokee legends, to the sometimes seemingly Invisible Indian, there's a passionate quality throughout.

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