August 03, 2008

Not your average headbanger

Bloodline rocks stereotypes

Band combines Native energy with heavy metalLoren Anthony, 26, is not your average heavy metal headbanger. Sure, his hair is long, and sure, his band's music is loud. But there's a message there, he says, that's not so apparent in much of the offerings within his chosen musical genre.

Maybe it's because Anthony, as the lead vocalist and main songwriter, is American Indian--a proud member of the Navajo Nation, to be exact. Then again, maybe it's not. He says he doesn't want to be pigeonholed as an exclusively Indian artist: he wants broad appeal. And he and his band mates, Eric Doherty, Davidson Steel and his brother, Leland Anthony III, are willing to do what it takes to get national--maybe even mainstream--success. As long as they stay true to their roots, that is.

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