August 06, 2008

Praise from the Authentic History Center

An e-mail from Michael Barnes, owner/operator of the Authentic History Center:Hi Rob,

Nice to hear from you. I used your website as part of my overall curriculum when doing my lessons on stereotyping this past school year. You have some terrific educational material on there. I especially found the stereotype of the month section to be useful. By the time my students got to that part of their assignment, they were more empathetic than they were at the beginning and reacted much more strongly to many of those, especially one that was a billboard advertisement. It's important my students understand that these stereotypes are not just a thing of the past, but still happen all the time today.

Thanks for passing along my website. I just finished a large revision of the Native American stereotyping section this spring, but will be adding more to the music section by the end of the summer.

Michael Barnes
Comment:  Let me see if I understand this correctly. Website used in curriculum. Curriculum made students more empathetic. Ergo, website made students more empathetic.

Not bad considering how I'm occasionally told that nothing I do affects anyone. That I'm wasting my time. Here's evidence to the contrary.

For more on the subject, see The Web Fans Speak.


  1. Writerfella here --
    Wrong-o, Rob. If NEWSPAPER ROCK was affecting of no one or was a waste of time, writerfella long ago would have moved on...
    All Best
    Russ Bates

  2. Right-o, Russ. Here are two of the many quotes I could post from you. They imply this website is ineffective and a waste of time.

    From Sources for Comanche Moon (complete with misspelling):

    [C]omparing fact to fiction completely and totally is an exercise in futility, revelent of the fact that some people have an awful lot of time to waste...

    [W]riterfella himself has had a role in popular culture, whereas Rob merely has been a force in 'Rob' culture...

  3. Writerfellahere --
    So, you read those quotes, but did you understand them? Oops...
    All Best
    Russ Bates

  4. I understood the quotes just fine, thanks, and I could find many more of them. You've denigrated me and my website dozens if not hundreds of times.


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