August 13, 2008

Seminole Star Search

Seminole Star Search combs the state for top talentSeminole country is a big, talented place. From the youth to the elders, there are singers, songwriters, flute players, and rappers. In order to showcase the diversity of the tribe, Promotions Director Micki Free came up with the idea of a Seminole Star Search.

In the spring, Free took a panel of judges–singer Shea, bassist Jon Brant, and singer/songwriter Matt Kramer–on a bus tour to all the reservations across the long state of Florida. At each reservation, including Tampa, Hollywood, Big Cypress, they held an open call for performers to show up and strut their stuff. Contestants were evaluated for their stage presence, vocal or instrumental ability and presentation.

Four or five contestants from each showcase for a total of 20 were selected to appear in the big final show in Hollywood, FL, during May.

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