August 07, 2008

Survey on Redskin magazine

I asked some correspondents the following question:What do you think of a magazine produced by Natives and called Redskin ( responses (so far):From what I know of Lakota traditions, this magazine flies in the face of all of them.

Christine Rose, educator
Not my kind of reading material. I personally wouldn't want to be associated with it in any form.

Shonie and Andee De La Rosa
Sheephead Films

I think that this magazine is offensive, and that it should be labeled as an insidious-racist-attack against all Native Americans!

Calvin Tatsey, writer
The same thing I would think of a magazine produced by African Americans and called Nigger.

Patrick Barkman, lawyer
Comment:  For more on the subject, see Red·skin n.  Dated, Offensive, Taboo.


  1. Writerfella here --
    RED SKIN Magazine is an attempt to be the first Native 'adult' publication. Other races have such material, in plethora. Are Natives somehow to be exempted from such a market? So far, the magazine has achieved a nearly 100% sales of its product and issues. That raises a question: WHO is buying the magazine?
    All Best
    Russ Bates

  2. It's Redskin, not Red Skin, as you'd know if you could read plain English. Readers can see for themselves, and laugh at your expense, in Educating Russ About Redskin.

    Since I haven't seen the magazine's content, I haven't complained about it. I have seen and complained about its title. The word "Redskin" is stereotypical and offensive to many Indians. And you're a sellout for writing for a magazine whose name offends people.

    "Nearly 100% sales of its product and issues"? Where in the world did you get that from? Cite and quote a source for this claim or I'll assume you made it up.

    I can just imagine what it means. Perhaps Team RSM printed 10 copies of the magazine and 10 t-shirts and managed to sell nine of each. Voilá..."nearly 100% sales."

    If you haven't figured it out yet, this "statistic" is meaningless without more information. If you were more mathematically aware, you'd know this. But you're not and I am.

  3. Writerfella here --
    Remember one proviso, Rob: facts never are opinions, and opinions never are facts...
    All Best
    Russ Bates

  4. Anonymous4:11 PM

    Who cares about the name?! The content is GARBAGE and the format is even worse, lacking in vision, creativity, or general knowledge of web design. Sheesh. And if I see one more idiotic "Native Models" Myspace page, Facebook group or half assed website I might puke. I just might have to puke.

  5. I'd say anyone who objects to ethnic slurs cares about the "Redskin" name. But thanks for filling us in about the magazine's content, M.


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