September 29, 2008

Native worthy of Nobel

Column:  Onondaga faith keeper's work Nobel worthyWhile this year's nomination period has come and gone, another name may soon likely join their ranks--Oren Lyons.

The Norwegian Nobel Committee has been awarding the peace prize since 1901, bestowing one of the world's highest honors upon leaders whose work reflects a “fraternity between nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses.”

Lyons, a faith keeper of the Onondaga Nation, is the most inspiring, responsible, admirable, honest and intellectual leader I've ever seen. I was recently reminded of his quiet yet influential leadership role when he addressed a cross-cultural gathering of traditional elders and youth on the Flathead Reservation.

“The mission of our circle, number one, is peace--peace among ourselves, peace among the nations, peace for our world that surrounds us, that's our mission,” said Lyons who shared his message among a group whose members have been meeting since 1973, an initiative sponsored by the Bozeman-based American Indian Institute.
Comment:  For more on Natives and Nobel Prizes, see Nobel Winner or Homeless Wretch?, Natives Win "Nobel Prize for Environmentalists," and The Inuit Nobel Nominee. For more on the teaching of peace, see Winning Through Nonviolence.

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