March 11, 2009

Why not tell children the truth?

A quote from André P. Cramblit on Facebook:Why not teach school children more of the wholesome proverbs and legends of our people? That we killed game only for food, not for fun. Tell your children of the friendly acts of the Indians to the white people who first settled here. Tell them of our leaders and heroes and their deeds. Put in your history books the Indian's part in the World War. Tell how the Indian fought for a country of which he was not a citizen, for a flag to which he had no claim, and for a people who treated him unjustly. We ask this to keep sacred the memory of our people.

Grand Council of American Indians to the Mayor of Chicago, 1927
Comment:  Why not, indeed?

This is further evidence that Indians have been protesting their mistreatment for decades if not centuries. It demolishes the claim that recent protests are the result of political correctness, white do-gooders like me, or a Native "grievance industry."

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