June 07, 2009

Lautner has a Native mindset?

Surprisingly, people are still claiming Taylor Lautner is an Indian. In More on Lautner the Native, two anonymous readers challenged my claims about him.What exactly is your definition of Native American? It seems as though you are implying that Lautner is NOT Native American-enough, simply because he just recently discovered his ancestry.For my definition of who's an Indian, see "Actual Indian" Defined. Lautner doesn't qualify under any of the criteria.For that matter, take someone who is, let's say...more than 50% Native American, but does not acknowledge their tribe/ancestry because they do not know enough about it. Are they not Native?I'm glad you said "more than 50%," or we'd have to discuss the Joseph Gribble case again. Anyway, yes, this hypothetical person would qualify as Native.Or if someone is a small percentage Native American (like Lautner himself), but he or she does in fact pay a tremendous amount of tribute/respect/attention/etc. to their ancestry--are they not Native because of their lack of ancestry?Lautner may acknowledge his newly found ancestry, but he hasn't paid a tremendous amount of tribute or respect or attention to it. So he doesn't qualify even by your criteria, Anonymous #1.

One Anonymous down, one to goJust a white guy who has some Indian ancestry?Yes, Anonymous #2, exactly.Apparently, friend, you are neither Native American nor have even a remote understanding of what it IS to be Native American.I'm definitely not Native myself. As for my "remote understanding," I explained some of what I know about mixed-blood Indians in Rob Doesn't Understand "Mutts"? I think I know enough about the subject to judge Lautner.There are so few Native Americans of pure blood left, that if we were to restrict the blood qualification to at least 1/4 Native American, we would be all but extinct.Who said anything about "pure blood"? Not me.

Tell it to the hundreds of tribes that determine their own membership. Many of them still require a blood quantum of 1/4 or more. Others require documented proof of Indian ancestry. Which criterion does Lautner qualify under?

I've written about the "extinction" subject several times--for instance, in Indians Doomed to Die Out? Read it to learn more about what I know.

The Native mindsetThe Native American identity has become more of a mindset and philosophy than a genetic identity. It is your beliefs that make you Native American, not your blood.Your daffy definition would let Ward Churchill, thousands of New Age frauds and Indian wannabes, and me become Indians. Jump in the (gene) pool, everyone...you're an Indian if you believe you're one!

More to the point, Lautner couldn't have had any Native beliefs, mindset, or philosophy until his recent "discovery." Despite this amazing find, he still hasn't shown signs of adopting a Native mindset or philosophy. So by your own criteria, he isn't an Indian.As one Native American responded to my inquiry, "how do you know if you're enough Native American to be considered a Native American?"

"You know if you're Native American."
Sounds like you've been talking to Russell Bates. He couldn't define who's an Indian any better than you can.

But if you're right...great! I've just become an Indian. Where do I apply for the free benefits? Can I open my own casino? Etc.

Better luck next time

In short, thanks for agreeing with me that Lautner isn't an Indian, people. Next time you want to challenge me, try presenting reasons why he is an Indian, not reasons why he isn't. So far his trivial blood quantum, undocumented ancestry, and lack of beliefs disqualify him.

But as always, I'm willing to reexamine the facts. Please let me know when you have a shred of evidence Lautner has done more than "acknowledge" his Indian roots and then forget about them. Then we'll discuss whether to change his status from wannabe to Indian.And also, if you want to be politically correct--I believe the correct term is in fact Native American, rather than “Indian.”I don't want to be politically correct, but I do want to be correct. Both "American Indian" and Native American" are accepted, but most Indians prefer "Indian." As I explained in Indians Prefer Identification by Tribe and "Indian" Term Dying Out?

For more on the subject, see Defending and Attacking Lautner and Quileute Werewolves in Twilight.

Below: "I believe in dreamcatchers, vision quests, animal totems...all that cool stuff. I'm an Indian!"


  1. Anonymous8:38 AM

    "Native mindset"? LOL How do you learn about your ancestry on-set anyway? Granted, you might learn about your character's family in a sequel (now officially a trope with the introduction of Mutt).

  2. As opposed to a Romanian, or more preciesely, Transylvanian, mindset?


    I know all this for a fact. Lautner is Indian because of his blood, but he is NOT A SHAMAN! I am an indian, 1/64 to be exact, of the Shawnee tribe, I have the proof and it was my great great great great grandmother who was full. I am also a shaman BECAUSE I follow the ways, I believe in everything you do. You really need to get your facts straight.

    P.S. Shamanism isn't just for indians. It originated from Siberia.

    P.S.S. I'm really sorry, I'm truley not this mean in fact I'm an empath and a clairsentient, but you really drove me nuts! Again I'm really sorry.

  4. Anonymous5:49 AM

    I am a Pagan, YEAy! I guess you know what that means, if you don't- look it up-- the internet provides more than a million sites too support the path I have chose. My great gran was a Celt, but you know what, that fact is totally irelevent. the point is I believe in the ways of shamanism... Hello there, get a dictionary.

    P.S. preferiby an oldish 1.
    Sorry no affence

  5. Anonymous1:14 PM

    Another Lead ndn role given to a non ndn. Sucks. Lautner is a FAKE.

  6. Anonymous2:04 PM

    Yeah, that sux. He shouldn't be the one to represent the Native peoples when he doesn't know a thing about them. Fraud alert!!! Also, only ignorant people call our spiritual advisors... shaman or medicine men. These are the same dumbass people that call us injuns & redskins. My goodness people, you have only been an American for how long? And you don't know a damn thing about the original inhabitants. Shame on you! Thx, Damon Runninghorse-Buckley cinemabrule@gmail


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