July 12, 2009

37th outdoor Tecumseh play

Experience Tecumseh!

By CR RaeTecumseh truly was the ultimate experience. There were no arrows flying over head but the horses galloping past the audience, the battle scenes and the cannons firing from the top of the rocks took care of the excitement. Not only was it exciting but I learned a lot. I did not realize what a big part the Ohio Native Americans played in the history of our country.

The drama begins in southern Ohio near the banks of the Ohio River in 1784 and takes you through the life of the Shawnee and other Ohio tribes up to the year 1813. During that time Tecumseh dreamed of uniting all the Indians from the Gulf of Mexico to the Great Lakes into one Indian Nation. Governor of the Indian Territory, William Henry Harrison encouraged the older chiefs to sign a treaty that gave away three million acres of land for little money. That made Tecumseh angry and, well you are on your own to find out the rest of the story.

You might recognize the voice of the narrator, Graham Greene. He is a Native American actor best known for his Academy Award nominated performance as his role of Kicking Bird in Dances with Wolves.
Comment:  For more on the subject, see Ohio Plays Feature Indians and Native Plays and Other Stage Shows.

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