July 15, 2009

The evidence against Carlos Castaneda

In response to Carlos Castaneda, Fake Indian, someone wrote:You have no sources or references to prove your statements.I asked correspondent Al Carroll what he thought of this. Al's response:Jay Fykes wrote an entire book debunking Castaneda.

It's amazing to me that anyone could fall for nonsense like Castaneda. Anonymous is seriously asking for proof that Indians can't fly?

Anyone wanting a truer picture of the Yaqui should consult the best known works on them, by legendary historian Ned Spicer. And then ask themselves why the chief elements of Yaqui tradition, deer dances, the seven sacred towns, and syncretic Catholicism are nowhere to be found anywhere in Castaneda.

We have discussions with lots of further links at http://www.newagefraud.org/smf/index.php?topic=1127.0

His followers set up a very destructive cult.

His inner circle died in suicide pacts.

We have a search feature at our site anyone can use, not just members.
Comment:  Any questions, Anonymous? For more on the subject, see New Age Mystics, Healers, and Ceremonies.

1 comment:

  1. For more on the subject, see:


    The Fake Carlos Castaneda

    Imagine my surprise when I learned that the most successful author of “Indian” books of all time was a fake. His name was Carlos Castaneda. He made a national and international name for himself, and made himself very rich, by making up whole stories about a medicine man who never existed.

    Hundreds of colleges used his books by the ton. And they are still using them, misguided though they are. He sold more than eight million copies of his books, starting with “The Teachings of Don Juan.” The Don was supposed to be a Yaqui medicine man who divulged his secrets to Castaneda in Mexico and in a bus station in Tucson. Unfortunately, there was no Don Juan, and Castaneda never met him. He made the whole thing up.


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