July 14, 2009

Mural in Window Rock post office

Hip-hop art

'I Am Art' culminates with Window Rock mural

By Karen Francis
A new mural at the Window Rock post office was created by young people and hip-hop aficionados as the finale to the I Am Art workshops held by Indigenous Youth Collective and Foundations of Freedom Dance Studio.

It took artists and students a few days to complete the mural which has a theme of ceremonial elements.

The theme celebrates youth and art, especially since many young people have been practicing different forms of art such as fashion, music, photography and more, Kimberly Smith of the Indigenous Youth Collective said.

Dozens of colors were available for the artists to spray paint the message of celebrating youth. Most of the mural is a landscape with the sky as the backdrop for several figures that are dancing and making music.
Comment:  For more murals by Indians, see Indian Land Dancing Mural and Clatsop-Nehalem Mural Dedicated.

Below:  "Students watch and participate in a Capoeira demonstration for the I Am Art program in St. Michaels on Friday. Originated in Brazil, Capoeira is a physical art form blending music, dance and martial arts." (Gallup Independent/Adron Gardner)

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