July 06, 2009

Voyageurs nominated for C4K Award

Comics for Kids Award NomineesThe Comics for Kids Award / Prix de Bandes Dessinées pour Enfants recognizes creators who have produced works which capture the attention and fascination of young readers, and help to create a passion for life-long reading. Works considered for this award are comic books and graphic novels by Canadian creators that are targeted at readers 14 and under.Adventures of Rabbit and Bear Paws Vol 2: The VoyageursRabbit and Bear Paws join the Voyageurs to take the Furs from Lake of the Woods to Montreal and experience all the trials and tribulations of being a Voyageur. Our young heroes face the life of a voyageur with bravery, as they are confronted by thieves and dangers around every river bend.

Rabbit and Bear Paws is set in 18th Century colonized North America and follows the stories of two mischievous Ojibwa brothers as they play pranks and have amazing adventures using a traditional Ojibwa medicine (spirit powder) that transforms them into animals for a short time.

Adventures of Rabbit and Bear Paws Vol 2: The Voyageurs is based on the Grandfather Bravery (Aakdehewin), one of the Seven Grandfathers of the Anishinabek Teachings.
Comment:  For more on the subject, see Rascally Rabbit and Bear Paws and The Best Indian Comics.

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