August 20, 2009

Chambliss leads virtual protests

Mound controversy spans the Web:  American Indian site in Oxford now on Facebook, Twitter

By Dan WhisenhuntCarolyn Chambliss, who says she lives in Tuscany, Italy, founded a Facebook group and cause related to the issue. Facebook is a social networking site connecting friends and acquaintances based on numerous affiliations. The Facebook group is called, "Stop Sacred Burial Mounds from becoming a Sam's Club"; the cause, "Save Sacred Mounds from Destruction/Boycott Sam's Club."

There are more than 7,000 members between the two groups, formed about one month ago, and the protest is also active on Twitter, another social networking site where people communicate by posting short messages.

Chambliss hopes these "virtual protests" will lead to "a real paradigm shift in Americans' perception of Native Americans." She's also discussed raising money for the preservation of the mound, which she would put into a trust.

"We did a Twitter blast," Chambliss said. "All through the world we blasted Sam's Club and we got immediate results and people started talking about it in Oxford because of this virtual protest."
Comment:  I think online protests were responsible for shutting down the Bright Young Things' "Indian Summer Camp" within a few hours. It's possible one or two Facebook postings--the ones I saw--were enough to squelch the event. If so, that demonstrates the power of social media.

For more on the subject, see Mayor Lies About Oxford Mound and Activists Protest Mound's Destruction.

P.S. Chambliss just moved back to Minnesota from Italy.

1 comment:

  1. Indeed, as it was evident in the first protest against the "bright young things" summer camp event, therefore, may serve as a prelude to future online/mainstream networking demostrations, hence boycott ecetera. I'm hoping this Sam's Club protest will have the same impact as seen with the previous one.



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