August 20, 2009

Increasing tribal radio opportunities

Native American Groups Praise ‘Tribal Priority’ Concept in Radio AssignmentsFewer than 0.3% of America’s 13,000 radio stations belong to a federally recognized Native American tribe. According to the FCC, there are about 41 non-commercial stations licensed to Native Americans and another 31 construction permits granted to federally recognized tribes.

To boost those numbers, the Federal Communications Commission has proposed creating a “tribal priority” when awarding new station allocations. The proposal is part of the commission’s Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (MB 09-52) on rural radio, in which it hopes to streamline allotment and assignment procedures to create more opportunities for those in rural and tribal areas to apply for a station.
Comment:  For more on the subject, see Native Radio = "Untapped Resource" and Native Radio = Information Highway.

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