September 29, 2009

Parenteau heads to New York

Big dreams, Big Apple for Peace River actress

By Michelle HigginsTanis Parenteau spends her days working at a theatre company and attending class at the New School for Drama in New York City. Her resume lists appearances in independent feature films, short films, music videos, commercials, print ads and TV shows, including The Twilight Zone and Hank William’s First Nation. This summer, she made her off-Broadway debut in the comedy Bigger Toys for Bigger Boys at the Sage Theatre in New York.

It’s a far cry from her days growing up in Peace River. The brown-eyed beauty took part in a Peace Players production of The Sound of Music when she was eight years old, but back then she was more interested in figure skating, volleyball and track-and-field. The acting bug didn’t bite until she was pursuing her undergraduate degree in physical education at the University of Alberta, where she took a drama class to fulfill an outside-faculty requirement.
Comment:  For more on the subject, see TV Shows Featuring Indians and Native Plays and Other Stage Shows.

Below:  "Peace River-born actress Tanis Parenteau, who first tasted the spotlight at the age of eight in a Peace Players production of The Sound of Music, is pursuing a Master of Fine Arts degree at the New School for Drama in New York City."

1 comment:

  1. I just stumbled on this! Thanks for posting!


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