September 13, 2009

"The World According to Americans"

An excellent map of the world as seen by Americans--posted by Facebook friend Brian Westcott:

If you're wondering about Africa, it's the "invisible continent" on this map. Nice touch.

For more on the subject, see America's Exceptional Values and America's Cultural Mindset.

P.S. Note the absence of the word "all," as in "all Americans." For Stephen's edification, this is a generalization about what Americans believe, not an absolute statement.


  1. I love to look at odd maps. However, this one is illegible. Could you post it as a larger image, or link to an intact one, if it exists?

  2. Stephen7:35 PM

    "For more on the subject, see America's Exceptional Values and America's Cultural Mindset.

    No thanks, if I want to read uninformed bigoted rants I'll start an account on stormfront.

    "Note the absence of the word "all," as in "all Americans."

    So if I said 'Indians are inbred drunkards' you wouldn't have a problem with that?

    "For Stephen's edification, this is a generalization about what Americans believe, not an absolute statement."

    It's a very stereotypical witless insult to Americans; so naturally you think it's clever.

  3. If I make an image larger than 400 pixels, DMarks, it'll be too wide for the blog. But you can view the full-size version by right-clicking on it and selecting View Image.

    Re "No thanks, if I want to read uninformed bigoted rants I'll start an account on stormfront": Or you could look in a mirror, Stephen. But thanks for showing us how you'll use any pretext for a personal attack. You keep proving that you don't care about anything except proving your superiority to me.

    If you presented data to back up your claim--as I did regarding Americans' ignorance of foreign affairs--no, I wouldn't have a problem with it. Apparently you're still too addled to understand that my generalizations are based on facts and evidence. Unlike your bigoted assertions about Muslims, for instance.

    Re "It's a very stereotypical witless insult to Americans; so naturally you think it's clever": It's an accurate generalization about American ignorance, so naturally you squeal like a pig over a perceived slight. It still amazes me how childishly defensive you are about criticism of your people. What a pathetic crybaby you are.

    Why don't you get the hell out of here if you don't appreciate my "uninformed bigotry"? Because you like thumping your chest and proving what a man you are? Take an estrogen shot, gorilla boy. Your testosterone is showing.

    So is your stupid illogic. You've claimed many times that my blog is full of "uninformed bigoted rants" or the like. Yet you keep reading and commenting on these rants. Why is that, exactly? Other than puffing up your colossal ego at my expense, what do you get out of it?

    P.S. I'd suggest you choose your words wisely and not spend too much time on your response. Once again, I'll be more than glad to delete your nasty-grams.

  4. Stephen11:29 PM

    "Or you could look in a mirror, Stephen. But thanks for showing us how you'll use any pretext for a personal attack. You keep proving that you don't care about anything except proving your superiority to me."

    I'd roll my eyes but those muscles are a little too tired right now.

    I"f you presented data to back up your claim--as I did regarding Americans' ignorance of foreign affairs"

    That link isn't evidence.

    "Apparently you're still too addled to understand that my generalizations are based on facts and evidence."

    What evidence? Do you really think a link to one of your rants is evidence? And no emailing me a poorly written article by that idiot Maher isn't evidence.

    "Unlike your bigoted assertions about Muslims, for instance."

    Show me just one quote were I mentioned anything about muslims, I have critiqued the religion (which like all religions is a recipe for misery) not muslims in general.

    "It's an accurate generalization about American ignorance"

    Prove it.

    "It still amazes me how childishly defensive you are about criticism of your people. What a pathetic crybaby you are."

    Oh the irony.

    "Why don't you get the hell out of here if you don't appreciate my "uninformed bigotry?"

    Because I enjoy a good argument and yes you are a bigot, for example you claimed one guy proves that Americans are ignorant.

    "Because you like thumping your chest and proving what a man you are? Take an estrogen shot, gorilla boy. Your testosterone is showing."

    That's rich coming from the guy who thinks using his real name on the net is manly.

    "You've claimed many times that my blog is full of "uninformed bigoted rants" or the like. Yet you keep reading and commenting on these rants. Why is that, exactly? Other than puffing up your colossal ego at my expense, what do you get out of it?"

    Simple; I enjoy a good argument.

  5. If you want to read uninformed bigoted rants, you need look no further thn Bill Maher, also.

  6. Anonymous7:34 PM

    American foreign policy is replete with generous amounts of cash and materiel being shipped to Africa for humanitarian purposes. This policy reached its zenith with G.W. Bush appropriating billions for African AIDS relief. Of course, he never gets credit for that, except by the African people. When Secretary Of State Clinton went to Africa recently, she was surprised how often G.W. Bush was mentioned in glowing terms. Of course, the left slammed the program because it had an abstinence education component. Regardless, I am positive a vast majority of Americans know where Africa is on a map and willingly support the impoverished people of that continent. Furthermore, we will continue to support people in need despite being portrayed as ignorant dilettantes.


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