November 27, 2009

Phony White House guest met phony chief

Days of wine and poses

Vintners Michaele & Tareq Salahi drink deeply from life, but not all is so sparkling

By Neely Tucker and Amy Argetsinger
Before Tareq and Michaele Salahi catapulted to international notoriety as possible White House gate-crashers this week, the Virginia socialites had their pictures taken with President Obama during his inauguration, Prince Charles at a polo match and Oprah Winfrey at another event. They had Supreme Court Justice Anthony M. Kennedy speak at their elaborate wedding, which more than 1,800 guests attended.

Friends describe the 40-something pair as "fun-loving" and unabashed about pursuing the spotlight and playing the debonair couple who know and are known by all the right people.

But by Friday, Secret Service agents were seen trying to track down the pair to learn how they managed to get into Obama's first state dinner; interviews and court records also show the couple have a far less glamorous side. These documents and statements include dozens of civil suits alleging non-payment for services, a long-running (and very public) feud with Tareq Salahi's parents about ownership and control of their now-idle 108-acre winery and claims the couple made about accomplishments that can't be verified.
And:Last year Michaele, now 44, told a Post reporter that she had been a Washington Redskins cheerleader, and she has been photographed at several alumni events. But the cheerleaders' director of marketing, Melanie Coburn, wrote in an e-mail: "We have no record of her being a member of the Washington Redskins Cheerleaders."

Nor could the Washington Redskins Cheerleaders Alumni Association find any record of her, said Terri Crane-Lamb, president of the association.
Comment:  How appropriate that the picture below shows Michaele Salahi, the social-climbing wannabe, with the Redskins' Chief Zee. Since the Salahis came to prominence at a dinner for the Indian ambassador, we could say they're both Indian wannabes.

For more on the subject, see Team Names and Mascots.

The Salahi-Obama meeting:

1 comment:

  1. Some Facebook comments on this posting:

    Melvin Martin:  99.9% of what takes place in DC is f**king fake...

    Leah Bowe:  Hands, HANDS IN STRANGE PLACES!

    Trace A. DeMeyer:  One of the networks said she is probably psycho and lives for drama and attention. Well, she's going to have her 15 minutes of fame in court.

    Melvin Martin:  Looks like the all-too-typical, money-toxic, mega-ditzy fake blonde that is SO into that kind of sh*t.

    Marc Danzeisen:  Big Chief pimpalot with little crazy beaver.


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