April 23, 2010

Native TV shows nominated for Rosies

Nominees announced for the Rosies, Alberta's answer to the Oscars

By Alyssa NoelNominees for the 36th annual Rosies, Alberta's "answer to the Oscars," were revealed Wednesday during a modest ceremony at the Hotel Macdonald.And:Another local production company that’s seen much success in the last year is Prairie Dog Film and Television. They earned nominations on both ends of the fiction spectrum for Blackstone, a one hour television series pilot about corrupt politics on a First Nation reserve, and Mixed Blessings, a dramatic comedy series set in Fort McMurray that recently headed into its third season.

Both air on APTN.

“It’s great to recognize so many diverse productions,” said Prairie Dog executive producer Ron E. Scott. “The quality of production seems to go up every year. Obviously, we’re thankful to be a part of that.”
Comment:  For more on the subject, see TV Shows Featuring Indians.

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