May 09, 2010

PBS documentary about Civil War site

Newtonia battlefield to be subject of PBS documentary

By Greg GrisolanoFor one weekend at least, the landscape of Newtonia will look much as it did more than a century ago. A group of about 100 reenactors will descend upon the town starting Thursday to film a documentary about a Civil War battle that took place in 1862.

Paul Wannenmacher, who wrote and is producing the film, said he hopes to explore one of the most unique aspects of the war—Native American combat.

“(Newtonia) is the only Civil War battle in which regimented Native Americans fought for the North and South against each other, so it has a very unique flavor,” he said. “During the time of the Civil War, everybody pretty much had to pick sides. Whether it was Southern families, Union and rebel sympathizers, and Native Americans.”
Comment:  For more on the subject, see Quapaws Aid Civil War Documentary and Native Documentaries and News.

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