October 01, 2010

Cameron criticizes oilsands "curse"

James Cameron lends star power to fight against oil-sands ‘curse’

By Josh WingroveIn a visit rivalling that of a royal dignitary, Canadian director James Cameron emerged as a high-profile voice for first nations groups who call Alberta’s oil sands “a curse,” pitting the Hollywood heavyweight against oil companies and the province that has long supported them.

Mr. Cameron effectively lent his celebrity to the leaders of several Alberta first nations by appearing with them Wednesday, thrusting their long-held complaints to unprecedented prominence.

Mr. Cameron, who recognizes there is apprehension about 'drive-by environmentalism,' urged Alberta to consider the environmental pressures the multibillion-dollar industry is putting on the province, pointing to the polluted Athabasca River in particular: 'I can't imagine being told by mom I can't swim in the river.'

But while many were wary of what Mr. Cameron describes as Hollywood “drive-by environmentalism,” he wielded a keen understanding of the industry and its intricacies, after wrapping up a three-day oil-sands tour. He was praised even by his opponents for listening to industry, government and first nations alike.
Comment:  For more on the subject, see Cameron Tours Oilsands and Cameron to Visit Oilsands?

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