October 11, 2010

Latgawa "chief" goes to jail

Chief of controversial tribe jailed in alleged tax fraud

By Damian MannAn alleged tax fraud scheme involving the controversial Latgawa Indian tribe of Central Point has landed Chief Red Hawk, otherwise known as Richard Lee Davis, in Jackson County Jail.

Davis, 55, faces multiple counts of racketeering, theft, forgery and tax evasion, according to the Denver, Colo. District Attorney's Office. He is being held on $250,000 bail and faces extradition to Colorado.

His signature was found on easements related to the Latgawa tribe that were sold as tax credits on the secondary market through Solutions International LLC, according to an indictment filed by the State of Colorado.

The Colorado Department of Revenue's Criminal Investigations Unit investigation alleges Davis, Alan Eugene Deatley, 54, and David Michael Zamzow, 61, were involved in the scheme that resulted in losses to victims of more than $1 million and losses to the Colorado Department of Revenue of more than $20,000.
Comment:  For more on the Latgawa "Indians," see Latgawa Indian Wannabes. For more on fake Indians, see "Absentee Shawnee of Ohio" Wannabes and Anti-Government Extremists Pose as "Indians." For more on the harm these wannabes cause, see Fake Tribes Dilute True Culture.


  1. I need help Rick Davis is trying to blame me for killing John Newkirk known as chief Grey Eagle.. I've been with John Newkirk son for 12 years now me and his son took care of him before he passed away. But Davis has it posted on the internet that there is a ongoing investigation here with the local authorities. Which I know a true because I have been already asked 2 years ago when John passed away when they first started the allegations, they came and stole from Corrie everything his father had left him. we know for a fact that they are a fake Corey will let you know that.we desperately need help

    his father started all this tribe stuff.

  2. Sorry, no one here is a position to help you. We can only share the news.


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