July 02, 2011

Corrigan Brothers defend "Indians" showband

‎"When Irish Eyes Are Crying"...they whine over the criticism they get. Now the Irish crybabies are upset because real Indians are slamming the phony "Indians" showband. Too bad, racists.

Irish websites have reposted Stephen Maguire's pro-"Indians," anti-Indians editorial at least twice. In one of these postings, a group named the Corrigan Brothers added a message of support:

Corrigan Brothers Message of Support for The IndiansCorrigan Brothers the Irish Band who were recently mentioned in President Obama’s Irish speech in College Green Dublin as he referred to their seven million you tube international hit “There’s no one as Irish as Barack Obama” have re-acted strongly to a campaign to force one of Ireland’s most established showbands to change their name. Campaigners in the USA have recently been contacting Irish Promoters and venues asking them not to book or promote the Indians as it is offensive to native Americans. Ger Corrigan of the Corrigan Brothers said “this is mad stuff, in fact if the campaigners did their research they would realise that the American Indians actually wish to be referred to as Indians”. The brothers have composed a song called “Let’s back the Irish Indians” to show their support. Ger Corrigan continued “this is like the European Central Bank being offended by the rapper fifty cent or the vegetable growers association being outraged by “the smashing pumpkins”. Corrigan Brothers have sent a message of support to the Indians.To prove how harmless the "Indians" are, the Corrigan Brothers composed their own "Indians"-style song:They swung their tomahawk
From bohola to Dundalk
They set up their tee pee
In trabolgan and Tralee

They sung of Navahoe
In a ballroom in Dungloe
and did the Cherokee
in a dancehall in Ardee

so let’s stop this mad campaign
let the lads keep their name
let’s all take a stand
and back the Irish Indians

over in the Galtymore
played Apache in Tramore
they set up their wig wam
in the town of Cheltenham

down byroads and boreens
to the ballroom in Toureen
the entertained the squaws
from Nobber to Lixnaw

so let’s stop this mad campaign
let the lads keep their name
let’s all take a stand
and back the Irish Indians

so let’s stop this mad campaign
let the lads keep their name
let’s all take a stand
and back the Irish Indians
Comment:  Wow. Good to see the "Indians'" use of stereotypes hasn't swayed anyone else in Ireland. The Corrigan Brothers show an impressive understanding of Native life today...not.

Or as I wrote in the comments section:

"Congratulations" to the Corrigan Brothers for penning a ditty as full of racist stereotypes as the Irish showband's songs.

For more on the subject, see "Blacks" Showband vs. "Indians" Showband and "Indians" Showband Gets Attention.

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