July 08, 2011

Welch movie reaches Kickstarter goal

‘Winter in the Blood’ Meets its Funding GoalAn update on the quest by filmmakers Alex and Andrew Smith to secure funding to bring James Welch’s novel Winter in the Blood to the screen. This arrived in our in-box moments ago:

Thank you!

We made it! We reached our Kickstarter goal of $60,000! And with time to spare! We want to thank everyone who pledged. Please watch our blog in the coming days to see your name on our list of favorite people. Thanks to you, we are able to bring interns, like the up-and-coming Deidra Peaches, to the film set on the Hi-Line.
Comment:  Good example of the crowd-funding approach that's becoming common in Native filmmaking.

For more on the subject, see Welch's Book to Become Movie and Crowd Funding for Native Projects. For more on the subject in general, see The Best Indian Movies.

Below:  "The Winter in the Blood team is a big step closer to making their movie."

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