October 22, 2011

Viewers respond to Children of the Plains

Viewers Open Hearts to 'Children of the Plains'

By Margaret AroAmericans are opening their hearts to the young dreamers of the Pine Ridge Reservation after watching their stories on "A Hidden America: Children of the Plains," Friday's "20/20" special with Diane Sawyer.

The schools, organization and entrepreneurs featured in the special and online have been overwhelmed with e-mails from architects and community planners with ideas for mobile health clinics, new retailers interested in investing and selling Native American products and more.

The children and teens profiled on the show, meanwhile, have been flooded with messages of support since the special aired. Alaina Clifford, 19, the teen mom with dreams of becoming a music star, said she's heard from many other teen moms who have urged her not to give up on her goals and praising her beautiful voice. Viewers have also called the school of 6-year-old, Tashina Iron Horse, the exuberant pow wow dancer who kept her spirit in the face of tragedy, to ask what they can do to keep the young girl smiling.
Comment:  For more on the subject, see Indians Slam Children of the Plains and Reactions to Children of the Plains.

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