April 23, 2012

Inuk minister cuts Aboriginal services

Health Minister Aglukkaq accuses Liberal MP of crossing racial line during House of Commons questioningHealth Minister Leona Aglukkaq accused Liberal MP Carolyn Bennett of crossing the racial line in her questioning over health cuts to Aboriginal organizations.

Aglukkaq, an Inuk MP from Nunavut, said she found Bennett’s questioning offensive to her Inuit heritage.

“As an Aboriginal person, I take that type of line of questioning to be unacceptable,” said Aglukkaq, during question period Monday.

Bennett, who is the Liberal Aboriginal affairs critic, accused Aglukkaq’s department of targeting the population with the worse health statistics with cuts.

“(Aglukkaq) has cut programs for diabetes, youth suicide, Aboriginal health human resources,” said Bennett, who is non-Aboriginal. “Can the minister explain to this house why her cuts target the population with the worse health outcomes in Canada, the Aboriginal people of Canada.”
Comment:  I'm with the non-Native on this one. I don't care how Native or important you are. If you're cutting services to your own people, others have a right to question you.

Indeed, it's rarely if every wrong to ask a question. And it's certainly not racist if the potential hypocrisy is self-evident. If you can't stand the heat, minister, get out of the kitchen.

Aglukkaq has been in the news before. Her conservative beliefs seemed to make her insensitive then, too. If she's still acting insensitively, she's getting what she deserves.

For more on Aglukkaq, see The Aboriginal Sarah Palin? and Body Bags Sent as Flu Assistance.

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