October 23, 2012

"Stupid Indians" Craigslist posting

This posting from Rapid City's Craigslist generated a flurry of outrage:STUPID INDIANS: We DID NOT take your land!!! (RC)

I am so tired of your whining, your complaining and your bitching how we “WHITES” took your land. Seriously?!?! SHUT UP already, that was the past and you miserable excuses for human beings really make the rest of the Indian population look bad. Let me make it perfectly clear, you SIOUX INDIANS are the worst of your kind. You’re a bunch of drunks, moochers and you have ruined Rapid City in the worst possible way. Yet, you have the nerve to bitch to “WHITE” folks how we took your land. I think you all have a few screws loose in your heads, because i do not remember that we ever took your land, you are all clearly mistaken. Besides, who cares as that was over a hundred years ago and you are still talking about it as if it was today?

You are pathetic, so why don’t you take your TPs and move back to Alaska with the rest of your kind. You are a bunch of INDIAN SAVAGES. You can’t even keep your own people out of the creek, so how many more are going to die before you all clean up your act. It would be a lot better if Hitler erradicated the Indians instead of the Jews. The jews never did anything wrong, and here we have a bunch of mooching , low life, drunk and pathetic Indians running around causing more crime that we don’t need. You also cause more accidents in Rapid City, then you speed off and wonder why we all hate you. STUPID INDIANS, you’re a bunch of cowards and if there was a law like taking control of the deer population , only taking care of the INDIAN population, i would gladly gun you all down.

Thank You very much, and yes we are damn proud we stole your land!!!

Here's a typical response:

“STUPID INDIANS” Craigslist Posting Should not be Tolerated

By Dana Lone Hill“That’s South Dakota for you!”

That is the common response to the word most people in this state like to make about the R-word.


It is almost as if it is a way to blow it off, dust it off your shoulder, let it go. Just excuse the pure, ignorant and blatant racism in this state and in the Dakotas as “Oh yeah, it’s like that there.” As if it is ok.

Instead of, as this Craigslist ad states, we Indians like to “whine, complain, and bitch” around about our land that they have no idea how it was “stolen” but hey, if you read your history and the Supreme Court ruling, your America owes us BILLIONS of dollars for the “illegal seizure” of our Black Hills, our Sacred Hesapa.

The very point and heart of where we come from. The very spot where you probably sit on your ass and write this terroristic, hateful, ignorant hate crime from, anonymously.
Comment:  It's pretty easy to ridicule this Craigslist posting. For instance:

Dumbass #1: "We DID NOT take your land!!!" Meet Dumbass #2: "Yes we are damn proud we stole your land." You're the same person, dumbasses!

And how about his belief that all Indians come from Alaska? Is that a garbled version of the Bering Strait theory, or does this idiot really think Indians originated in Alaska?

Posting reveals hidden bigotry

The interesting thing is what this tells us about our society. Someone felt free enough to express this nakedly hostility toward Indians in public. Not only that, but to advocate gunning them down--to committing genocide just as Hitler did. It doesn't get much more hateful than that.

And for every person who's this open about his hatred, how many have hidden, even unconscious prejudices? Perhaps somewhere in the vicinity of 50%. That's roughly the portion of people prejudiced against blacks and Hispanics, and there's no reason to think they're more tolerant of Indians.

Seething with anger at real or imagined slights, these people walk among us. No doubt many of them worship Republican Jesus, toe the Tea Party line, and shoot guns to prove their manhood. Racists who hate and kill are one of America's biggest problems, because they're rather shut down the government than help brown-skinned people.

For more on the subject, see GOP America:  Strivers vs. Parasites and Prairie Niggers!" in SDSU Bathroom.


  1. Anonymous11:32 AM

    Wow, he Godwin'd himself? Amazing.

    Meh. It's Craigslist. I generally assume everyone there is looking for a hookup.

  2. Just another uneducated hillbilly probably an inbred.

  3. Anonymous12:31 AM

    I didn't know all indians were from Alaska, what a dumb ass.. Go back to school you illiterate fuck. I'm white and I know the history about the land and yes us whites did invade on their land. I have much respect for my Native Fellow brothers and sisters!

  4. Anonymous3:51 PM

    Wow this guy is a dipshit we all know he wouldn't say that in front of a native

  5. Anonymous6:21 PM

    Ignorant racist hillbilly.. He should go to school.. and learn something.. wow!! I am not offended by him.. I FEEL SORRY FOR THAT MISERABLE PERSON... just saying.. I am happy and I am proud and I am native.. OK..

  6. Anonymous7:57 PM

    I am a fifteen year old kid and even I know that the white people did steal some of the land, but not all, I'm not taking his side I'm just saying, but this does not give u any right to go on craigslist and bash on the native Americans, cause I am native and I took offense to this, and some native Americans aren't as fourtante as you, so think about what u say

    1. ya teh' (greetings)... Many have taken offense to this "person" ignorant, hateful rant. ashoge' (thank you) for speaking out, it's wonderful to see Youth getting more involved.
      I would like to offer you something to think about... You stated the white stole some of the land but not all. They stole all of the land, then generously (< sarcasm) allocated some of it back to us. Those sections of land they called reservations.

  7. another proud ndn9:33 PM

    Another typical racist, gee I wonder where Indians got alcohol from, we sure didn't have it before white people got here. Read some history before you open your mouth...idiot. You wouldn't like it if people went to your house took everything you have, kicked you out of your house, beat you or killed you and your family. Then told you to shut up when you "Whined" about it. And obviously you wouldn't know about land being taken away, because it happened years ago, and you weren't around to know it or see it. Again read some history. Of course people like that post stuff like this, are being told a bunch of BS, and not the truth. Sadly some schools don't really tell kids the real stuff that took place.

  8. This letter is absolutely horrendous. How anyone can not only feel/believe such repulsive crap is beyond my understanding. And I was completely onboard with Dana Lone Hill's well written rebuttal until I got to this part: "No doubt many of them worship Republican Jesus, toe the Tea Party line, and shoot guns to prove their manhood."
    Wow. While it's nowhere near as foul as what the Craigslist rant contains, it still reveals some possible racist bigotry that Dana Lone Hill may be also harboring. I am a Republican. I agree with many of the Tea Party's complaints and ideas. I enjoy going shooting. I'm also a barely middle-class multiracial single mother that gets really pissed off at ignorance and racism no matter regardless of where it's coming from. And contrary to what many believe...not only white people are racist. It doesn't matter what color you are, how much money you have, what religion you are or what political party you vote for... racism is a disease that can be carried by all.

  9. Anonymous9:25 AM

    no hair to scalp him...lol

  10. Anonymous12:35 PM

    your a piece crap motherfu were did your ancestors come from over seas and I wish the Sioux was on the east coast we would've killed you instead of agreeing to a shitty holiday called thanksgiving

  11. Anonymous1:02 PM


  12. Anonymous1:47 PM

    I would bring back scalping from over a hundred years ago, to this disrespectful lame...come to the yakama nation and speak your mind

  13. Anonymous3:55 PM

    Rednecks blah!

  14. Anonymous6:56 PM

    "Uneducated Redneck"
    You should really read up on the REAL history before you judge... everything taught in public school doesn't count because it is edited to suit what the government 'Wants' you to know. The Native American people experienced an ongoing genocide since the Mayflower landed... first with your diseases... and then with the taking of land with promises that are still being broken today...

  15. Anonymous7:10 PM

    Disgusting, illiterate crap...

  16. Anonymous7:20 PM

    I wish I could say this was an isolated incident. However, for the up innumerable time, the TSA thugs refused to let me through security at Newark when I presented my tribal ID card.....on an do and on it goes....

  17. Anonymous9:09 PM

    Lol most crazy serial killers are white. Most whites are corrupt and what you say maybe true in your eyes. But native were fine tell whites showed up. But my have a lot of white people I love and your making whites look bad

  18. Funny how we are cowards but you write this anonymous! We are warriors! Dont be mad that we are still beating you! First on the battlefield and now in your court system! Pround NDN from Montana! Dustin Gatch 4/4 NDN. Not a coward!

  19. Jonathan Shaw. April 30/1980. Edmonton, Alberta11:02 PM

    I'm an "Indian" and proud to be one. We are a strong and fierce people. I know your kind...one of those fake individuals who puff out when your around smaller or weaker people. Your running your mouth because your safe behind your anonymity. When you see a strong "Indian" you look down or away, because you know you would lose.Deep down you know your phoney and pathetic...a bully. You know from the look in our eyes that we would SAVAGE your punk a§§. I invite you to voice your opinion to one of us strong and proud Native Americans, you'll get our reply. Sincerely: Jonathan Shaw (Fb), Edmonton, Alberta. Metis-(Cree, Cherokee, and Sioux)

  20. Anonymous8:23 AM

    What uneducated people out there,,,NO,this should not be allowed on Craigs List or any other Web Site,,,Rascists fools,,Read your History,,where do you think Hitler got the Idea for the Mass Murder of the Jewish???

  21. that is totally fkd up if that Moron truly knew the history of this country then he would know that WE WHITE PEOPLE DID TAKE THE LAND FROM THE NATIVE AMERICANS AND NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND and I am very proud of my heritage i am 1/8 Cherokee and I am proud of it

  22. Anonymous2:15 PM

    Wow. Who cares this person is obviously confused in many ways. Yes it is in the past but it did happen. I am white and grew up on the rez. I dont believe in racism but I also believe that in our country any one can succeed no matter where you come from. Lots of my friends have graduated college and others choose the life of drugs alcahol and yes they do blame it.on white people and yes they do sit and whine about how their life turned out that way cause the white man. When in fact they get handed money and get paid to go to college. Like I said before some of my native freinds went on to do great things and better their tribe. Others chose the criminal life and blame it on the white man. In doing so they give the racists more ammo. But hey there will always be racism in the world. I know more than most of you I was harassed in school by natives. They can be just as ignorant biggeted hateful and racist as the rest of the races.

  23. Anonymous2:50 PM

    Hey now. I am a cristian and cristianity does not promote hate. Most ndns I know are racist. I grew up on the rez and there is more bigotry here than any other place ive been. There will always be hatred and racism in the world. We must first look at our self before we go criticising others for their beliefs otherwise we are hypocrites. Any time something is said about natives its such an outrage but yet you can sit and talk about white people in this same way and justify it with something that happened years ago...and that makes it ok???? Its hypocricy. Before you speak about others you should make sure youre not teaching this same way of thinking...way of hatred, to your children. Its totally bassackwards. Innit?

  24. Anonymous9:08 AM

    I will pray for you. It makes my heart sad to know that you were raised to have a heart and spirit so damaged by hatred, anger , and violence. If you really knew our people, and our ways you would understand how lost your spirit is. It is too bad that your fear of us prevents that from happening.

  25. Anonymous11:58 AM

    Sure glad I'm not him....what a hateful, ignorant, sad, misguided .etc., etc......

  26. Anonymous9:10 PM

    I'd rather be a Native than an Inbreded Hillbilly ANY DAY! ;)

  27. Proud white man8:05 AM

    i don't remember taking their land either! Oh, how much did they pay for 'their' land??? If they did get 'their' land back, we would have to cut off all their freebies...then what would they do???

  28. Anonymous10:23 AM

    Hey Proud White Man...how much did they pay for the land...Native Americans paid with their blood and lives. What freebies do they have? There are more white people on welfare and assistance than any other race. Typical redneck white trash acting like they are better than everyone else. You are as ignorant and hateful as the man who posted on craigslist. People like you should be put down like a dog, because the world would be a better place without you.

  29. Anonymous7:47 AM

    For all the Christians out there who believe in manifest destiny (or the slaughter of Indians to steal land) YOUR Christian bible states in Micah 4:4 that you will have to return to your place of origin under YOUR own vine and fig tree so that would be Europe. It states this for everyone, soooooooo since we INDIANS were created here in the Americas we Indians don't have so go anywhere, and don't quote the land bridge because its a story created by Whites because they couldn't explain how we been here like FOREVER and don't fit their adam and eve story. LOL the white man's science and religion go hand in hand don't they.

  30. What freebies....we can go to A Native Clinic on a rez.....But thats just like the Welfare people....they get free medical.....but if your not from tjat tribe where you go to the Doctor at and you need to see a Doctor for something else you have to pay for it...so alot of NDs that are not on their own rez cant get Medical help because they cant afford it.....But people on welfare can go anywhere with their Medical card.....and as for free Money to go to scholl.....alot of people can get free pell grants and other help to go to school....and thats about all the so called free stuff that Natives get that am aware of.....


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