February 22, 2013

My Louisiana Love documentary

Documentary showcases filmmaker’s Native American heritageWhen she was 18 years old, Monique Verdin had no idea exploring her heritage through photography would lead to producing a documentary that captured intimate moments in her life as well as those around her.

Now at 32, the St. Bernard Parish resident has traveled across the country to share “My Louisiana Love” with many people.

“My Louisiana Love” tells Verdin’s story of returning to southeast Louisiana to reunite with her Houma Indian family. Capturing still images and video as a way to preserve the unique culture of her family, Verdin found herself in the midst of environmental devastation.

“I didn’t think I would show it in the way that I did, but life doesn’t turn out like you think it would,” Verdin said. “It’s like a 100-year story of three generations—my grandmother, my father and I.”
Comment:  For more on Native documentaries, see Eagle Boy Flies in Norway and Documentary About Jim Pepper.

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