March 14, 2013

Natives protest Mike and Molly

'Mike & Molly' Protester Urges Action and PerseveranceWhen she heard from a CBS representative that the network had no plans to apologize for a racially-insensitive remark made on a recent episode of Mike & Molly, activist Raven Ross organized a protest of her local CBS affiliate. The quip in question played on stereotypes of Natives as alcoholics. Ross has now contacted ICTMN with an update on her action, which took place on Monday (the day Mike & Molly airs) in Phoenix outside the offices of KPHO Channel 5.

"We had a small showing, but Channel 5 TV came out and took an interview with us," Ross said. "Channel 5 aired the segment at 5:00 p.m. No other TV news reporters came out, because we did not inform them. In addition, migrant workers were having a large protest for employment rights at the State Capital at the same time we were conducting ours."

Ross is not deterred. "It's time to move onto Plan B," she says. But will not elaborate: "That's confidential info at this time."
Comment:  For more on the subject, see Mike's Mom vs. Archie Bunker and Media Covers Mike and Molly Joke.

Below:  "Raven Ross, in straw hat, gives an interview to the news crew from Phoenix's KPHO Channel 5."

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