May 01, 2014

Drummer fired for criticizing Fallin

Really? Wayne Coyne Supported Fallin With Picture of Dog in HeaddressAn indie-rock icon weighed in on the Christina Fallin headdress controversy--and he wasn't asking her to be more respectful of the American Indians whose culture she is trivializing. No, Wayne Coyne of The Flaming Lips showed his support of the Oklahoma Governor's daughter, with a tasteless photo sent from his (now closed) Instagram account.

According to Oklahoma culture blog The Lost Ogle, Coyne, who is a friend of Christina Fallin's, posted the following:

Yes, that's a dog wearing a feather headdress.

This isn't Fallin's responsibility directly, but she hasn't denounced or criticized the photo posted on her behalf. Her silence implies an endorsement of Coyne's actions.

How the Flaming Lips Lost a Drummer Over Native American Appropriation

By Jordan SargentOn March 6, Christina Fallin—Mary's daughter and the lead singer of the band Pink Pony—proudly posted a photo to Instagram that showed her wearing a headdress, seemingly unaware that it might anger scores of people in her mother's state, which is still 9 percent American Indian. In response to social media blowback against that picture, Fallin, who is 27, released a statement along with her band, asking Oklahoma's native community to "forgive us if we innocently adorn ourselves in your beautiful things."

On March 22, the Flaming Lips played a show without Kliph Scurlock, who had drummed with the psych-rockers since 2002. On April 2, a commenter on the indie rock blog Brooklyn Vegan wrote that legendary frontman Wayne Coyne had fired Scurlock from the band, and that Fallin's headdress stunt was to blame:Kliph wasn't fired for calling Wayne out on his midlife crisis b.s. (although if anyone in that band had the nuts to bring it up to Wayne, it would be Kliph!) He was fired for taking a stand against Wayne's new buddy--the daughter of OK's tea-bagging, homophobe governor Mary Fallin--when she donned a Native headdress for a racist publicity stunt. When Kliph called her out on social media for being a shithead to the Oklahoma Native community who complained about her headdress publicity stunt, she tattled on him to Wayne. Wayne actually told Kliph he was fired for insulting Fallin publicly.
UPDATE: Flaming Lips drummer fired for insulting Wayne's pal Christina Fallin?

By Red Dirt Report[W]hile not independently confirmed, a reader of Brooklyn Vegan allegedly had some inside dope on the Scurlock situation: "When Kliph called her out on social media for being a shithead to the Oklahoma Native community who complained about her headdress publicity stunt, she tattled on him to Wayne. Wayne actually told Kliph he was fired for insulting Fallin publicly. On a kinda-related note, word from Wayne's inner circle is that he was so geeked about getting an invite to Governor Teabagger's mansion for a party with a bunch of 20-something Republican hipster wannabes (friends of the Gov's daughter) that he was practically begging his band mates to go with, an invite that everyone else in the band felt was pretty lame and to which everyone else declined. Not Wayne tho. He and Fallin are pretty tight...he recently posted an even more offensive picture of his dog wearing an authentic looking Native headdress in response to the Oklahoma Native community's backlash against Fallin for her headdress stunt. No one in the band dares speak out on this one bc they have families to support and Wayne has bogarted all the Flaming Lips earnings and keeps them all on a pretty short financial leash."Again, this isn't Fallin's responsibility directly. Again, she hasn't denounced or criticized the actions taken on her behalf. Again, her silence implies endorsement.

For more on Christina Fallin, see Christina Fallin Calls Natives "Sheep" and Oklahoma Governor's Daughter in a Headdress.

Below:  Gov. Fallin suddenly realizes her daughter might be doing something wrong.

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