June 25, 2015

Confederate flag vs. other flags

For some reason people continued to make derogatory comments about the Confederate flag. First, noting the circumstances that created it:

Comparing it to another symbol of white supremacy:

But what about the Germans' pride in their brave soldiers?!Retweeted Tim Wise (@timjacobwise)
Conservatives who say removing ‪#‎ConfederateFlag‬ = purging history -- Is that what u said when Berlin Wall came down? Or swastikas in Germany?
Stars and Bars vs. Stripes

And finally comparing it to the world's greatest flag:

Didn't Southerners lead some of the attacks and massacres against Indians? And Northerners tolerated slavery as official US policy for about 70 years. So nobody is without blame here.

In the same vein, the Onion posted a semi-satirical comment:

U.S. Flag Recalled After Causing 143 Million Deaths

Then there was this:

White power! White men killing "savage" animals and people--that's pretty much America in a nutshell.

It's just "funny" to me how the hunters draped an American flag over their kill. Even better would be a Confederate flag. Both Americans and foreigners would get the message: that this is the epitome of America.

Leave it to Russell Means to spell it out:

For more on the subject, see The Best Indian Movies.

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