March 21, 2008

Richardson endorses Obama

The Democrat who was the most pro-Indian candidate by far has endorsed Barack Obama.

Obama wins Bill Richardson's endorsementNew Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson, the nation's only Latino governor, is endorsing Sen. Barack Obama for president, calling him a "once-in-a-lifetime leader" who can unite the nation and restore America's international leadership.

The governor's endorsement comes as Obama leads among delegates selected at primaries and caucuses but with national public opinion polling showing Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton pulling ahead amid controversy over statements by his longtime pastor.
Comment:  Here's hoping Obama learns something from Richardson, because Richardson knows Indian country.

1 comment:

  1. Writerfella here --
    BFD, so he autographed Barack HUSSEIN Obama's Versacci shirt cuff. That and $9.95 just might get him a medium 2% mocha latte, as long as he doesn't buy it in Albuquerque...
    All Best
    Russ Bates


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