October 21, 2008

Potawatomis show off shaft

Prairie Band pulling in one big gunA self-propelled Howitzer military cannon arrived at its new home today in style, complete with a motorcade.

The 62,600 pound cannon was used in the Vietnam war, but is now a historic memorial display on the Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation reservation.

Members of the We-Ta-Se American Legion Post performed a special ceremony to recognize the cannon.

"It's a real testament for the veterans. Our tribal members have been in every major conflict in recent history, and that's a testament to combat arms, military supplies, new equipment to our soldiers, and this static display, if you drive around the state you'll see aircoys, you'll see Cobra helicopter gunships, you'll see a variety of tanks and military equipment, but this is a real honor to have this on our reservation," nation public works director Tim Ramirez said.
Comment:  I could say something about former warriors needing to assert their manhood with phallic symbols, but it would be wrong.

For more on the subject, see Indians in the Military.

Below:  A weapon similar to the one on display.

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