October 21, 2008

Russell Means for OST president?

As you may have heard, Russell Means is in a runoff for the presidency of the Oglala Sioux Tribe. Here are some thoughts on what might happen if he wins.

Tim Giago:  Another important election in NovemberRussell Means, a convicted felon, was pardoned by former South Dakota Governor Bill Janklow thus setting him free to run for public office. He is best known by tribal members for his often outlandish actions in promoting the American Indian Movement. If elected president there are those who fear that he will take the Tribe in a direction that would jeopardize federal funding for the many tribal programs by his non-conformist approach to solving problems. But then again, maybe that is exactly what the OST needs at this stage in their history.

For example: The gaming compacts issued by the State of South Dakota to Indian tribes limits the number of gaming devices in their casinos to 250 regardless of the size of the tribe. Most Lakota find this to be an infringement upon their sovereign rights. Means is not afraid to challenge ignorant, and yes racist, laws such as this. In fact, there are many things that need to be shaken up on the Pine Ridge Reservation and it will take a person of extreme courage and confidence to get it done. Means has never been at a loss for courage.
Comment:  For more on the subject, see The Republic of Lakotah.

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