August 01, 2009

Medicine Crow joke on Tonight Show

Following last week's lame "chief" joke, Conan O'Brien told another Indian joke Thursday (7/30/09):Interesting announcement just came out. Next month a 95-year-old Crow Indian chief will receive the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

[applause] Very cool. I think that's cool. Yup.

Yeah, when, ah...when asked about it, the chief said, "Great, that should pretty much make up for everything."

[thumb up and OK sign] "Thanks...for the medal."
Comment:  Two Indian jokes in one that a record for a late-night talk show?

This joke was better than the last one. The audience laughed with the humorous Indian, not at him.

Anyway, let's hope Conan keeps talking about Indians. Perhaps he'll invite one to be a guest.

For more on the subject, see The Best Indian Movies.

Below:  "Lt. Gen. Paul Funk places the Bronze Star on Crow historian Joe Medicine Crow during a ceremony at Garryowen in 2008. At left is Medicine Crow's son, Ronald Medicine Crow, and to the right is Medicine Crow's brother, William Medicine Crow. A tribal warrior chief, Medicine Crow was also awarded the French Legion of Honor Medal by Pierre-Francois Mourier, the consul general of France." (James Woodcock/Gazette Staff)

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