August 01, 2009

Preview of More than Frybread

Auditions Announced For Next Holt Hamilton Film

'More Than Frybread' slated to begin shooting this summerWith two films already available on store shelves ('Turquoise Rose' and 'Blue Gap Boy'z'), and a third film that is preparing for a fall 2009 theatrical release ('Pete & Cleo'), it's surprising that Holt Hamilton Productions is already gearing up for their fourth feature film currently entitled 'More Than Frybread.'

The film 'More Than Frybread' is the fictional story that follows five individuals from various reservations in the state of Arizona that are going to the First Annual Arizona State Frybread Championships. "It's all about bragging rights in this one. Who really does make the best bread." Hamilton stated. "I was shooting a river trip last summer with the Hualapai Cultural Department and the question came up as to who has better bread. I thought it was an interesting idea and played around with it and then wrote the script a few months later. It should get the adrenaline going for the audience in this one."
Comment:  There sure seems to be a lot of Native movies, plays, and books about frybread. Why doesn't someone make a film on the best Native science project, fashion design, or movie?

For more on Hamilton's movies, see Casting Hamilton's New Movies and Followup to Turquoise Rose. For more on the subject in general, see The Best Indian Movies.

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